Customer Testimonial

Honest and dependable. I would recommend to all my friends and family. Definitely would hire again. Thank you Katz & crew!

Jennifer Heskitt, Client

Katz did a nice porch enclosure for me two years ago. I love the convenience and they worked patiently with my existing frame, roof and fixtures to give me the results I requested.

Kathy Valentine, Client

Katz roofing did a great job for us removing the old roof and putting on the new one They people were courteous and very professional at all times. Great job and price

This was done 3 years ago, they went through all the options an materials to be used.

Paul Zearfoss, Client

I got a beautiful new roof for a reasonable price. The salesman explained all options and explained where there might be some extras (it turned out there weren’t any). The company even scheduled the work while I was out of town, and everything was completely cleaned up and finished when I got back. I highly recommend Katz Roofing.

Eileen Kavanagh, Client

Excellent work from your crew and Andy Boyd, the project manager. I was impressed with all the professional work of your men. They are all good representatives. I would certainly recommend Katz to anyone. It has put my mind at ease each time it rains and snows and I love my new roof.

Agnes J Hotchkiss